Skin Peel (Peel To Reveal) Training Course
Peel to Reveal : Fusion Skin Rejuvenation System
Peel to Reveal is a unique and innovative skin rejuvenating fusion peel. Formulated for all skin types, with a cocktail of targeted potent ingredients including TCA, Glycolic, Salicylic acids, powerful antioxidants such as Glutathione, skin brighteners, and natural extracts delivering unparalleled results.
Skin Indications
- Skin dullness | Ageing
- Pigmentation | Melasma
- Uneven Skin Tone & Texture | Sun Damage
- Fine Lines & Wrinkles | Acne | Enlarged Pores
- Whiteheads | Blackheads
This peeling system is an exceptional treatment that can be easily integrated into any practice, from those just entering their aesthetic careers, to long-standing clinics. Both time and cost effective with excellent results.
Before and After Gallery